Explanatory plan

What is a justification plan?

Consultation of the justification plan is created to encourage and help the decision makers in choosing one of the available options. Remember that your option is not the only option, decision makers have several options to choose from. The plan also determines whether the reviewed work can be done with the amount of available resources. Or how many resources are needed to complete the task.

The Modirfa team, with years of experience in the field of briefing plan consultants, is ready to provide services to you, dear dignitaries.

Explanatory plan consultant

This project is a study to answer whether an idea can be justified or not. The answer to this question requires knowledge in different fields. Market study and research (competitors in the market, prices of competitors’ products or services, etc.), financial studies (cost, initial capital required, etc.), economic studies (head-to-head, etc.), technical studies, are among the studies that It must be done first to start any new business. In this regard, the modirfa team is able to provide services to customers by using experts in this field.

Benefits of the justification plan

Conducting a feasibility study is always beneficial for the project as it provides a clear picture of your idea and other stakeholders. In the following, we discuss the main advantages of conducting a feasibility study:

Gives more focus to project teams and provides an outline.

It limits business options.

It specifies valid reasons for doing the project.

By evaluating several parameters, it increases the success rate.

It helps to make decisions about the project.

Feasibility study is a very sensitive and vital step in the business estimation process. If this step is followed correctly, you may have made the best possible investment.

If you need to order the preparation of an explanatory plan, please contact the experts of Modirfa.