The ultimate exercise of a CEO

CEO at Corona


Business leaders share five key messages with teams to prepare them for the turbulence of today and tomorrow. Like many of you, my last 10 days have been spent talking to business leaders about how to deal with the COVID-19 crisis. Many of us have already gone through such a crisis several times before. In some ways, this situation is very similar to the situation after 9/11; When business leaders were concerned about helping their companies and helping their families at the same time. All news and consultations are handled through these two channels: “I’m having a video conference with my team today about this,” or “I’m posting this in my family group.”

As my busy calendar and constantly ringing phone tell me, the current situation is constantly changing. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced that London will join many other cities in the world in deciding to shut down. This decision has triggered everyone’s concern and indecision.

So, while my discussions with leaders have varied greatly by geography and industry, they all share a common sentiment. Although many things are not clear, there is a common understanding that the unpredictability is permanent. Amid this anxiety, I hear the best CEOs and founders offer five key messages to prepare people for tomorrow’s business world.

Five key messages from CEOs

  1. We are entering a “new normal”.

While local government policies vary, many businesses are heading toward a global shutdown for an indefinite period, likely at least for the first quarter of the year. In this case, there are several truths: Many of our people will work from home, our employees and customers will worry about access to food and childcare and medical services, the ways we communicate with customers and suppliers will constantly change, travel and transport and Transmission is disrupted.

For 2020, this is a “new normal”. Figuring out the “new normal” starts with concerned people spending most of their energy trying to get their families and friends to safer areas.

  1. But this is just a final rehearsal for what is to come

Despite the fear of the unknown, the pandemic and the economic challenges that will follow, now is a defining moment. Businesses have the opportunity to emerge in a stronger position and deepen their relationships with customers and business partners. They can build a company in the future world that is more ready to achieve the goal.

And the world ahead will only be filled with more uncertainty, from the evolution of globalization to climate change. Leading companies view the current situation as a final exercise. The experiences they are developing and creating today will prepare them to build the next generation of business.

  1. Although costs are important, this is a battle for customer relationships

Realizing that the current situation is a final rehearsal for decades to come, the plan of action becomes clearer. Even leading CEOs are correcting their own opinions about the future, but there are some things they know for sure.

First point: The best companies are those that treat their customers and employees with generosity and kindness. We are redefining “being a member of society” and leaders are deciding to show the world what global citizenship is all about. Of course, businesses must serve their stakeholders, but our customers, employees and local communities must come first. We will be richer by observing this point.

Second point: It is important to remember that income and cash will always be lost faster than expenses. The cash crunch that every business faces today is well-known and inevitable. We don’t know the floor amount yet, but the ceiling amounts are lower. Winning businesses are overcoming this and adjusting to the “new normal”.

As part of this “new normal,” companies are now competing globally to connect with customers. By every action, they demonstrate that their business is essential to the customer or that it is expendable. Many businesses do not emerge from this comparison unscathed. To maintain a position in the mind, you must:

Improve the product/service you offer. The importance of products and services is changing day by day and the value of no product is the same as it was the day before. Companies must align themselves with customer needs.

Solve the distribution crisis. Many distribution channels are temporarily out of order. It’s not a product problem, it’s a customer access problem, and it’s up to businesses to make arrangements so that customers can easily get what they need. Don’t wait until distribution methods and channels are back to normal and accessible; Show your agility against this problem and take initiative.

Communicate Carefully Businesses have already taken many steps to be good members of society, such as: Encouraging people to work from home, providing offline services and reducing direct customer participation in the process of receiving a service or product, postponing meetings, and more. But some of these unwanted actions show the customer that those products and services are unnecessary. “Remote work” message may be misinterpreted as: “Suspension, stop innovation and stop providing service to the customer”. We will not give up under any circumstances and we will return to pre-crisis status again in the summer. Our workforce knows this, but we must ensure that our customers are also aware of our actions and efforts.

Internal changes will also be needed to remain in line with customer demands. The organization needs the maximum decision-making power of each employee. In order to communicate the stated goal and achieve it, any message about new ways of working should be combined with a new sense of urgency, such as: We need to help customers now and for a longer period of time than ever before. We do not “respond to government policies” but redefine ourselves, to become even more important and special for our customers. Now is the time to reconsider the organization and adapt it to the new conditions.

Now is the time to be the best company to help people during this pandemic crisis.

  1. If we act today, we will be stronger tomorrow

The best leaders never wait for governments to solve problems for them. They now lead and act. They know that in times of uncertainty, a “wait and see” approach is often a damaging move. Under these circumstances, prompt action is acceptable; Because we are preparing for a world full of turmoil.

Consider climate change, a new definition of citizenship, digital innovation, or the end of globalization as we know it today. This disorder has been increasing for some time now. Leading CEOs know how their performance in the current crisis prepares the organization to deal with and adapt to such crises, and despite this and other disruptions, they will continue to progress and prosper.

  1. We are all a little scared

It’s a little scary. We know that a large part of your brain and heart is filled with anxiety for grandparents or parents, childcare arrangements, and your work (from home) environment. We know you are trying to connect with family and friends and relax with them. We are also a little scared. We will all do what it takes to make this happen.

That’s what I’ve been avoiding in conversations I’ve had with CEOs and founders. They talk about revenue and expenses, about their customers and employees, about their urgency and anxiety. They know that everyone is looking for advice about work, family and friends. They are committed to show their most important customers that their company is fit to lead the challenges ahead, does not ignore or postpone opportunities, and the organization in question is now helping their customers in this field.

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